“我就是想要你这滴眼泪。” 一出成人世界的残酷童话,火车司机朱赫来与钢铁是怎样炼成的,清冷丞相每天被爆炒免费阅读同时成为了整部影片的麦高芬。男女主朱洪茂、朱洁的现实人生轨迹竟也受到这部片的影响,出走、死亡、再无音讯,实在令人唏嘘。
The very first modern western movie, and the model for all of those to come. The elements of narration and filmography that it sets hold steady until now and probably for still a long time - see Tarantino's hateful eight for their confirmation. Most of the ideas on it are simple, but it takes a master to put the ingredients all in place and to cook something this delicious. Without any obvious main character, but rather a complex mix of persona, each cristallizing a class or a segment of society. This a Western movie to be sure, with all the parts that make up the mechanics, but it is above all a satire. One that is politically engaged too, especially in regards to the banker role.